The Exhilaration of Dancing with Synchronicity

As the New Year begins, many of us make resolutions to improve our lives.

Often these resolutions are based on ways that we think we “should” be: I should be thinner, I should be more successful, I should be better at this or not so weak at that. These beliefs keep us on a hamster wheel, trying to keep up with the image we believe we need to have, they rob us of experiencing joy for what we do have, and prevent us from expressing our unique value

Resolutions that inspire me are those that are founded on daring to live life authentically and reaching our greatest human potential. In this quest the challenge that inevitably arises is the need to give up knowing the step-by-step formula of “the right way to do it” in order to create a life that is uniquely ours. The natural reaction to this is called analysis paralysis; the inability to move forward because of uncertainty. This paralysis is based in fear. It’s often fear of failure, but also fear of what will happen when we actually tap into our unexpressed power. The resistance that emerges promises to keep us safe, but it also keeps us small. To move past this paralysis, courage is required. We have to be willing to recognize these limiting beliefs for what they are – the source of living unfulfilled lives - and surrender to trusting in one’s self to survive the unknown.

This surrender allows us to hear synchronicity’s music playing in our lives – opportunities that arise sometimes in the most unlikely of places that make our spirit vibrate and call us to dance along with them. When we accept the invitation and dare to dance to this intriguing music, we allow synchronicity’s wind to lead the dance and move us in the direction of our desire and our unique path to live the full expression of our greatest selves.

Living a “successful” life doesn’t need to look pretty, neat, organized, or follow steps predetermined by others. Only by letting go of working to make life look good on the outside can we begin to take the steps to create a life which makes us feel full on the inside. For me that means expressing my full self in the world, exploring the things that I need to learn more about, and offering what is uniquely mine to give to the world in service of what I care most about impacting. When I tap into that energy I feel like an adventurer and a pioneer. I feel brave, I feel competent, I feel fully alive, and I feel destined to succeed – on my terms. Because living authentically doesn’t follow a formula, it frees me from the pressure of needing to get it right. 

From this place I know that my life is not about getting to a set destination; its about hearing the music that is calling me, motivating me to put my dancing shoes on, inspiring me to flow through my dance without concern of who is watching, and leaving me breathless at the end, exhilarated by the dance itself.


Living the Dream Life Part 2: Tuscany in Orlando